Hauptforum Forum: DOD Server / Spiel Thread: Auto Kill when hurting teammates
Auto Kill when hurting teammates
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#1 am 17.01.2025 um 22:35 Uhr Diesen Beitrag zitieren
Posts: 2
Hey guys! I've been enjoying the server on and off since late 2020. Unfortunately, lately It's been harder to have a good time with the auto-kill feature. Basically, if I hurt a teammate in any way, shoot, bomb, RPG, I immediately die and lose a level. This makes grenade and RPG game almost impossible, since slightly hurting a teammate will trigger this. I feel like this is limited to my account, because I don't see other players "killing themselves" as often, especially in the grenade level.

Im attacing 2 videos showing this happen. I would like to understand what caused this.

zuletzt editiert von Mexenstein am 17.01.2025 22:37 Uhr
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#2 am 18.01.2025 um 11:47 Uhr Diesen Beitrag zitieren
Posts: 2268


danke für deine rück meldung.


wir haben vorrübergehend das reflex eingeschaltet.

da niemand rücksicht nimmt wenn vor im ein team kolege ist ist und ihn einfach mit erschiest ohne rücksicht zu nehmen.

das ist der grund warum wir das eingeschaltet haaben. das die Spieler etwas aufpassen.

gruß Matze

zuletzt editiert von -=P=-Мαє am 18.01.2025 11:52 Uhr


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#3 am 18.01.2025 um 15:46 Uhr Diesen Beitrag zitieren
Posts: 2
HiMatze, thank you for your reply! Im curious to know wheather this feature is active for all players. I get hit by friendly fire a lot and have not noticed them dying immediately. Just in the last game, a session after the videos uploaded, I had at least 3 cases where my teammates hurt me when prefiring around the corner and did not die and lose a level.

As for the feature, it is too harsh. If you're firing at the enemy and a careless teammate jumps in front of them, punishing the player with a level lost is totally unfair. This is especially unfair if it happens to select players only.

At the end of the day, it's your server and you set the rules, but I think it should be clear what are the punishments and who is affected.

Take care,
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#4 am 18.01.2025 um 18:33 Uhr Diesen Beitrag zitieren
Posts: 2268

was auch sein kann.

es gibt ein Sporn schutz für 3 sec wenn du in der zeit ein Team kolegen anschiest wir der schaden auch zurück geworfen.

solange die spieler rot oder grün sind

zuletzt editiert von -=P=-Мαє am 18.01.2025 18:58 Uhr


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