Hauptforum Forum: Technikforum Thread: Teamspeak on DoD GunGame
Teamspeak on DoD GunGame
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#1 am 27.01.2009 um 23:35 Uhr Diesen Beitrag zitieren
Posts: 2


Think I'll take this in English, as my German isn't all that good.

I've been playing on your DoD:S GunGame-server for some time now, and I really enjoy it, great server with loads of fun.

I thought I'd join the TS you have going while playing; makes it easier than typing everything, getting killed while I do

I've downloaded the Teamspeak version found on the left, and from what I understood, all I then had to do was type @TS in the chat to connect to the TS-server. Tried this today, and I do get connected to the -=©P=- TeamSpeak Server, but when I try talking, it seems no one can hear me in-game, which kinda sucks:/

Hope you can help me



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#2 am 28.01.2009 um 10:59 Uhr Diesen Beitrag zitieren
Posts: 524

Hi Cutthroat,


in TeamSpeak only people connected to TeamSpeak can hear you.


I've bound two different keys: one for TeamSpeak and one for Ingame-Voice (mouse 5+6) so I can use both as I want.


TeamSpeak is just for people who want to communicate to others without telling it everybody in the game. You have different Channels in TeamSpeak you can join so members of a team can talk to each other. It is just another method to talk to your friends but they have to join the same TeamSpeak server and channel too.


If you experienced problems using both (ingame and teamspeak) you should have a look on your preferences (mic, boost, driver) in game and in teamspeak. I had problems using my onboard sound until I've bought a PCI-Soundcard.


Sorry, my english is bad - lack of practise...


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#3 am 28.01.2009 um 22:29 Uhr Diesen Beitrag zitieren
Posts: 49

Yes if you want to use the ingame tool, you must set it in the Settings of dod! Fore use this, you can do this without installing teamspeak2!

So try it, and if you still have questions, come back and we will help you!! 

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